Ksiądz Pfeiffer potwierdza otwarcie seminarium w Bostonie, Kentucky :
początek roku dla seminarzystów – dnia 20 października 2013

Dla nieznających angielskiego,
podajemy streszczenie listu : ks Pfeiffer mówi, że coraz więcej jest blogów,
forów i stron Ruchu odporu i, że wszystkie one charakteryzują się mądrymi rozważaniami na temat kryzysu w Kościele i
Bractwie. Dodaje jednak, że internetowe refleksje nie wystarczą i, że przede
wszystkim trzeba działać na ile to jest możliwe,
bo dusze są w potrzebie. Mówi on, że nie można
powierzać Bractwu św. Piusa X formacji kapłańskiej, ponieważ półprawda nie wystarczy, aby wykształcić dobrych kapłanów, do tego potrzebna jest cała
prawda. Dwudziestu młodych ludzi jest
zainteresowanych seminarium ks Pfeiffera. Dla młodych ludzi, którzy są zainteresowani seminarium,
macie na końcu poniższego tekstu w języku angielskim dane ks Pfeiffera i
ks Hewko. Nie wahajcie się skontaktować z nimi telefonicznie w razie potrzeby. Uwaga na strefę czasu:
różnica 7 godzin. Godz. 10 rano u nas, to 3 w nocy w Kentucky, a
16 u nas, to 9 rano w Kentucky.
Sept 8,
Nativity of
Our Lady
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
“To write I am not able, to blog I am ashamed,
therefore I know what I shall do, that when I am removed from my Priestly
Fraternity I may yet be received into everlasting dwellings. . . and the Lord
commended the unjust steward for as much as he had done wisely: for the
children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of
light. And I say to you: make unto you friends of the mammon of iniquity; that
when you shall fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.” (c.f.
Lk. 16: 3-10)
Let the Wise, the Elders, and the just debate,
discuss, blog, until they have informed the world, their friends as also
themselves of their own wisdom, justice and uprightness of soul justifying
their own positions with wise words and counsels, councils and meetings until.
. . until . . . ? ? ? a better blog reduces their Neilson ratings or until. . .
until. . . ??? the good lord of the Deists comes down to rewind the wrist watch
of time. Meanwhile. . . Every man for himself, fighting a balanced, “guerrilla
(Kuala bear) war.” Certainly the old wise man knows the importance of not over
straining oneself, and taking one’s meds on time—avoiding addiction of course.
We need more information—its an in-formation age—more truth on the web etc. The
wise and just will weigh all things in the balance, such as the Truth of
Christ’s Faith on the one side and its steady abandonment on the other by the
neo-Traditionalists of the neo-SSPX and its new friends in the Ecclesia Dei
Communities. Wherever you are, there remain so long as you don’t worry but keep
yourself informed. As long as you know the Truth, speak to your friends of it
over moderate balanced proportions of non genetically modified, moderately
priced decent quality alcohol with some Tradition behind it, that’s the key to
preserving your wisdom untainted until. . .??? better times chosen by God, of
course. The Wise do not rush Providence, but wait for the Good Gods Divine
welfare check.
Enough for
the wise. Many blogs and forums are available to feed their wisdom and keep
them informed. What are the unjust stewards, the simple foolish, sinful souls
to do in their plight? What are those who lack the wisdom to decipher all the
newspeak of the SSPX from the former Truespeak of its Founder? What future is
there for young sinners who need clear unequivocal, unambiguous teaching in
order to preserve the Faith of their Fathers that holy Faith which they must
keep unstained, untainted until death in all too stained, tainted and sinful souls?
What is to be done with old sinners who in their poor excessive simpleness see
only a repetition of the Vatican II of their youth in their present SSPX
chapels? What are the ostracized and rejected to do—souls of simple, all too
ignorant sheep untrained in the art of eating “life-giving” internet grains of
wheat? These simple souls don’t know which credit card to use in order to have
over nighted from Amazon.com absolution for sins, Holy Communion, a living
voice to teach them the Faith they don’t know well how to read.
The Church
founded by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate God is an Incarnational Church. This
Holy Mother cannot be without “other Christs” incarnationally going about with
His blessings, Sacraments, publishing Him who is The Truth. Perhaps the wise
can live without these things, since their wisdom supplies. Perhaps the rich
need not live without these things since their money can always pay a priest to
live with them and provide for their personal needs—but what of the rest of
men? What of the poor whom our Divine Founder so Loved? What of the Lost Sheep
Our Divine Shepherd sought? What of prodigal sons Our Divine Father eagerly
awaited and captured for a feast? What of the weak and cowardly Apostles that
Our Divine Risen Lord sought and healed? What of the doubting Apostles, Our
Divine Lord and Most Divine God showed His scars that their doubts may be
gently washed away?
Is the Good
God only going to save the wise, the strong, the good souls that have to prove
themselves first? If this is true, then our un-changing God has changed. If He
has changed, he was not God to begin with, or maybe, the Modernists are right
and God has evolved. Let those who believe such, either convert or be damned in
God’s unchanging fire of Divine Justice in Hell.
Most of us,
Shepherds and sheep alike, are unjust stewards or poor sinners who wish only to
pour their tears on the feet of the Divine Lord of infinite Merciful love.
Surely, that Lord who is more technical than modern technology can send us
shepherds–even if they be unjust stewards that forgive others (since they also
are in need of great forgiveness themselves) and teach the Truth so that they
may be received in everlasting dwellings. As some wise commentators have
recently said “things are worse now than in the days of the Holy Archbishop”
then it is indeed more urgent that we apply the remedy of the Holy Archbishop
founder of the SSPX and continue his work of forming priests, weak in their
humanity but strong in unbending Faith in Jesus Christ the King of Our
universe, King of all Societies whether of Angels, men or ants, King of all
Truth and in a word King of all things great and small.
We do not
need especially intelligent, or strong men, but rather men aware of their
ineptitude, sinfulness, etc. and who at the same time are willing to abandon
their frail minds, hearts and bodies to the God of all Creation, that God who
formed each thing perfectly in an instant over 6 days of His Creative Work.
That God who rested from the work of Creation on the 7th Day. That God who took
up the work of re-creating (Mirabilius Reformasti) Man, due to his tragic fall,
on the Day called Good Friday, where God through blood and sweat Re-Created,
re-stretched, and reformed man “more wonderfully” upon the Cross.
Man has
fallen again, and The Lord God wants “Other Christs” Apostles of Creation and
Re-Creation who will go out clothed as was Adam in Grace and Faith to wounded
and abandoned souls, crying for help. These Apostles of Creation must go to a
devolving demonic world preparing for the Anti-Christ in order to speak the
words of God believing with unflinching Faith in their power and unequivocal
Truth and ready to bleed and sweat stretched out on the Crosses of Airplanes,
Trains, Automobiles, hotel Rooms, and rented halls to confess Souls in
stairways, to encourage souls in garages, telling them that “the Kingdom of God
is at hand, yeah it is even at the doors.” The day is far advanced the night is
at hand, we must work to save souls. Souls cannot be saved with half-truths and
mediocre teaching. Christ told us “where I am there also my minister shall
be.”(Jn. 12:26) What an exciting time to be a priest of God. We go where the
faithful call, not knowing whom we shall meet in the way. Pray that The Lord
God send weak ministers who will confound the strong, men of Charity who will
be the terror of the Cruel wicked spirits of this world, Men of Simplicity who
will confound the latest and greatest high-tech ways of Gods enemies, Men whose
only weapon is The Truth stretched out on a Cross, Whose only enemy is Lies and
the Father of Lies, whose only hope is their Mother the Mother of all those who
want to love Her Son in His Crucified Physical and Mystical Body.
On October 20, 2013 We will begin, by the grace of God, a Seminary under the protection of
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, under the Guidance of Our Lady of Good Success, with all hope and
confidence in Our Lady of Fatima, to form young men of unflinching Faith,
Apostles of Creation, warriors against the Satanic enemy of all Creation and
its Good God. These Apostles must have an uncompromising Supernatural Faith as
did our ancient forefathers in the Church. Over the last year I have visited
more than 120 priests of Tradition. More than 30 of them are priests of “the
Resistance” another 60 or so are either fully or partially supporting “the
Resistance.” More than 20 young men from around 10 different countries have
expressed interest in joining this Seminary of “the Resistance.” Others have
requested brother-hood as well. Many old Warrior priests have told us “you must
begin, the situation is too grave, we can no longer recommend our young men to
enter the theologically devolving Seminaries of the SSPX.”
We don’t
have a 50million dollar facility, but a Spartan dilapidated one in need of
great repair. We begin anyway in the same place where Fr. Cyprian began Our
Lady of Guadalupe Monastery back in 1989 in the midst of “the Holy Land of
Kentucky” where between 1808 and 1848 the early Missionaries of the United
States were formed. Within 20 Miles of our little Seminary and Novitiate are
the bones of more than 100 of those early pioneer priests.
God bless
all of you, please keep us “unjust stewards” in your prayers,
in Christ,
Fr. Joseph
We must
continue the vision and work of our Founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. A new
vision has replaced his in the neo- SSPX. We remain with the vision, Faith and
spirit of our Founder.
Young men
interested in a vocation to the Priesthood or Brotherhood please contact us at
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 1730 N. Stillwell Rd. Boston, KY 40107
or 303-549-3047
or 315-391-7575